Metadata shown here comes from a draft DataCite XML file.
The corresponding DOI may not yet have been added to the DOI registry,
and the values shown here may not have been reviewed by
GEOFON staff or the data set creator(s).
Please contact us before using these
values in scholarly publications.
Rwenzori project, JWG University Frankfurt, Germany. Waveform data is available from the GEOFON data centre, under network code Z5, and is fully open.
Rwenzori project
GFZ Data Services
Publication Year
Resource Type
Dataset / Seismic Network
Collected 9999-99-99(start of data collection)
Accepted 9999-99-99(accepted for archiving)
Submitted 9999-99-99(data and metadata completely submitted)
Issued 9999-99-99(actually published/made available on server)
To retrieve waveform data and metadata (including instrument responses) for this and other seismic networks, see here.
Network (data set) values are taken from DataCite XML with Metadata Properties version 4.4.
Contact us if you are the PI and wish to make changes.
Old-style network page for this network