Walter, Thomas
Dahm, Torsten
Cesca, Simone
Valenzuela-Malebran, Carla
a; Milkereit, Claus
Richter, Nicole
a; Shevshenko, Alina
a; Vollmer, Daniel
b; Kriegerowski, Marius
a a German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ, Potsdam, Germany, b University Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany
Following a sequence of seismic events detected by the National Geographic Institute (IGN Spain), on 13.09.2021 the new volcano Cumbre Vieja initiated an eruption, located on the mid-western flank at a location just to the north of the 1949 eruption site. The eruption fed a lava flow that buried already some hundreds of houses, with a high economic estimated loss. Previous studies have shown that La Palma was the source of 3 or 4 large sector collapses associated with avalanches under see and tsunami generation. This volcanic activity is accompanied with an increased seismic activity. The GFZ contributes to the monitoring of the seismic activity by sending experts in the frame of a Hazard and Risk Team (HART). Our partner is the National Geographic Institute. Besides tiltmeters, a temporary 4 station seismic network with TrilliumCompact 20 sec posthole seismometers, D-Cube digitisers (100 sample/sec) and C-Cubes LTE communication for real-time data transmission is being deployed near the Cumbre Vieja volcano, increasing the station density of the IGN network. Data access is being restricted for some time.
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