Ketzin in a small town 20km west of Berlin that hosts a research facility for underground storage. Starting in 2008 the site was used to investigate the onshore geological storage of carbon dioxide (Liebscher et al., 2013). Among a large variety of downhole monitoring measurements and repeated 3D seismics above the storage formation, a seismic network was installed to investigate the possibility of monitoring subsurface processes related to the injection of CO2 with passive seismic recordings (Gassenmeier et al., 2015). The network was operated for 12 month from early 2011 to 2012 and consisted of 10 Guralp broadband sensors of the Geophysical Instrument Pool Potsdam (GIPP). Five instruments were located at the drilling site and five instruments were installed at a distance up to 3.5km around the injection site. The Instruments were either installed in basements or buried at a depth of about 70cm (KTE, KTF and KTG). The installation was supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, grant 03G0736A) by the University of Leipzig and the GIPP.
To retrieve waveform data and metadata (including instrument responses) for this and other seismic networks, see here.
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