The integrated plate boundary in Chile (IPOC) combines 15 broadband stations with strong-motion sensors, GPS, strain sensors and magneto-telluric stations. The Chilean subduction zone setting provides a high background rate of seismicity (crustal, intermediate depth, and plate interface) in a region with exceptionally low ambient noise, particularly at higher frequencies. We have deployed seismic mini-arrays in the vicinity of IPOC stations PB02 and PB07, and installed a third array to the east of these stations near the village of Quillagua, such that all three arrays form a triangle. Each array has 10 elements and an aperture in the km range. The study area lies just to the north of the northern boundary of the rupture area of the Tocopilla earthquake of 2007 (Mw=7.7) and just above or slightly to the east of the downdip limit of plate interface seismicity. Installing the mini-arrays in the area of the existing IPOC has the following advantages: * Independent knowledge of background structure and seismicity from existing and ongoing studies. * Should any transients or other unusual signals be found in the array data, we can look for anomalous signals in geodetic and MT recordings, which will help to narrow down possible underlying mechanisms.
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