Wollin, Christopher
Ehsaninezhad, Leila
Hart, Johannes
Rodríguez Tribaldos, Verónica
Krawczyk, Charlotte M.
a a GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
The here referenced dataset provides event-based Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) recordings made with an approximately 22 km long dark telecommunication fiber lying in urban Potsdam and surroundings. For each of 164 M>=5 earthquakes occurring in February 2023 and listed by the USGS, one hour of data is provided starting with the event's origin time. Additionally, the whole day of February 14 is provided in hourly files.
The data was recorded in the frame of the global DAS month, an initiative to collaboratively record and share simultaneously recorded DAS data from all over the world (https://www.norsar.no/in-focus/global-das-monitoring-month-february-2023). DAS is an emerging technology increasingly used by seismologists to convert kilometer long optical fibers into seismic sensors.
Global DAS Month 2023, Teleseismic Event Recordings, Potsdam Fiber
Wuestefeld, A.; Spica, Z. J.; Aderhold, K.; Huang, H.; Ma, K.; Lai, V. H.; Miller, M.; Urmantseva, L.; Zapf, D.; Bowden, D. C.; Edme, P.; Kiers, T.; Rinaldi, A. P.; Tuinstra, K.; Jestin, C.; Diaz‐Meza, S.; Jousset, P.; Wollin, C.; Ugalde, A.; Ruiz Barajas, S.; Gaite, B.; Currenti, G.; Prestifilippo, M.; and Araki, E.; Tonegawa, T.; de Ridder, S.; and Nowacki, A.; and Lindner, F.; and Schoenball, M.; Wetter, C.; Zhu, H.; Baird, A. F.; Rørstadbotnen, R. A.; Ajo‐Franklin, J.; Ma, Y.; Abbott, R. E.; Hodgkinson, K. M.; Porritt, R. W.; Stanciu, C.; Podrasky, A.; Hill, D.; Biondi, B.; Yuan, S.; Luo, B.; Nikitin, S.; Morten, J. P.; Dumitru, V.; Lienhart, W.; Cunningham, E.; Wang, H. (2023). The Global DAS Month of February 2023. Seismological Research Letters. doi:10.1785/0220230180
GLOBUS Server (DAS): folder overview with raw data (registration required).
To retrieve waveform data and metadata (including instrument responses) for this and other seismic networks, see here.
Network (data set) values are taken from DataCite XML with Metadata Properties version 4.4.
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