Krüger, Frank
Zeckra, Martin
Hongn, Fernando
Aranda Viana, Rodolfo Rodolfo Germán
c; Criado Sutti, Emilio
c; Vollmer, Daniel
a a University of Potsdam, Germany, b Royal Observatory of Belgium, c Instituto de Bio y Geociencias del NOA, National University of Salta, Argentina
The STRATEGy network was a temporary seismic network in the NW Argentinean Andean Foreland. It run for about 15 months between June 2016 and August 2017 and consisted of 13 stations for the most parts. Each station contains a Lennartz LE3D/5s seismometer, an Omnirecs DataCube³ext digitizer (100 Hz sampling rate) with external GPS antenna and internal flash memory. Station 14A consisted of a Mark L-4C-3D short-period sensor. The power was supplied through an external batteries that were recharged during the day via a solar panel. The sensors were oriented to magnetic north. The header of the waveform files (NSLC-IDs) still remained in its prior form (network code ST) and haven’t been adapted to the FDSN given code. Station codes (double digits) were assigned from North to South. The last digit of the station code is either A (for their initial position of a station site) or B (the station has been moved during the networks operation time due to low quality recordings at the respective initial site). Each site was chosen on 3 criteria: (1) minimizing the depth to bedrock, (2) maximizing remoteness, and (3) maximizing security, preferentially located within sight of nearby settlements. However, one station (02A) was lost due to theft and many others experienced recording gaps due to animals chewing on cables, malfunctions of electrical parts and mainly flooding of the stations during the austral summer monsoon. The overall network geometry evolved partially due to accessibility of remote locations, maintaining similar interstation distances and focusing around the epicenter of the Mw 5.7 El Galpón earthquake 9 months prior to the network’s starttime. The smallest depths to bedrock were achieved by concentrating the sites around two major bedrock ranges and their piedmont, Cerro Colorado and Sierra de la Candelaria. Waveform data are available from the GEOFON data centre, under network code 2S.
Seismic neTwoRk/Array in norThwEstern arGentina (STRATEGy)
Zeckra, M. (2023). Earthquake catalog of a temporary seismic network in NW Argentine Andean Foreland (FDSN code: 2S (2016-2017)). ISC Seismological Dataset Repository. doi:10.31905/YTIR1IED
Zeckra, M. (2020). Seismological and seismotectonic analysis of the northwestern Argentine Central Andean foreland. Doctoral dissertation, Universität Potsdam. doi:10.25932/publishup-47324
To retrieve waveform data and metadata (including instrument responses) for this and other seismic networks, see here.
Network (data set) values are taken from DataCite XML with Metadata Properties version 4.4.
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